Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today at school, amat mengantokkan !
hanna and lin tak dtg cos dieorg malas so it's only aliyyah and I.
Aliyyah said , " alaaa bosannya hanna tade " or " tak bes la tade hanna " -.-
So, to all readers, i think that shows im a very boring person . ):

Tadi mase KH ade kejutan tentang exam akhir tahun . Ia akan dilambatkan from 20th October to 30th October . Cikgu cerita ade minority parents complian kat kerajaan kalo dh habes exam dieorg takg skola n lepak2 sume (espescially org2 yg nakal2 sme tu la , phm2 la) and then parents keje n takotanak2 mereka buat hal . so kerajaan yg bengong pon like ttb prihatin terhadap minority not majority . so kalo exam lambat, kte dpt result lmbt n kena check blk n stuff n nk tau nex yr class mane pon lambat . so my point is kerajaan buat kecoh jee. tape, nex yr , byebye sekolah kerajaan , hello private school . (: insyaallahh.

yours till the rain falls,
didy xoxo

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